Monday, November 30, 2009

Ahhh, I know it's been long since I last updated .
I've been going out ALOT, even tho it's exam period.
Trust me ; out at 4pm , back at 4am.
I'll never reach home before 3am =)
So, I'm literally, CHAN CHAN during this period esp exams.

Friday ; Gurney with dad , went shopping in Parkson.
Bought bag , cosmetics ...I want that C&K shoe so badly but no size.
Chilled @ Starbucks after 10:30 to 12ish , then airport.
In between, I chilled @ Sega most time.
Met Ezra , Ernest , Henry & the rest there, had a short talk tho.
Then, bumped into Dom the brother & another friend.
So yeah, chilled @ Sega, got free treat for whiskey, thanks =)
It's been long since I last met Dominic Sin the brother.
Used to buy him ice cream after he finish school before this.

After picking the family up from airport around 1am, home it was.
Then around 3am, headed off again to the mamak.
Mickey, Darren, Freddy, Kheng, Chian, ZSheng.
4 of us left around 6.30am, sleepy heads =)

Saturday. Woke up around 10ish AM. sheeesh.
Prepared & headed off to Auto City to meet uncle Graham.
Car practical @ 2pm-4pm.
Headed over to Penang around 9ish for steamboat.
Mickey , Kheng , ZSheng , NDee , Darren , Freddy.
Finished the dinner around 12am, headed to the beach side.

* The current me *

I looked rounder. holy fuck

Steamboat @ Nagore Road.

The first beach side we went. Jelutong Expressway.

Freddy ; Mickey ; Darren ; ZSheng

Kheng ; Freddy ; NDee ; Mickey ; Darren ; ZSheng

He was just, hyper & high I guess.

Blue poles

He is Mickey

Aww so artistic?

From different angle, you see different thing.

Then, we headed down to Gurney.
I went over to Starbucks for my Toffee Frapuccino , yumms.
Chilled around Gurney & we got bored.
They suggested to head over to the roundabout instead.

So, the aftermath , they played around.

Freddy wanted to go for a swim.

Then he was dancing.

Even this sohai went up.

After Gurney, the final destination - beach.
Finally the ones with sands to sit on. AHHA
Had talks, logic & unlogic ones, whatever you name it.
From space ships, aliens, mummies, everything you could think about.

Mickey the mouse.

Off home around 6am ; Shane was there when I left, arsehole!
Tired much.......

3 more papers.
Physics Chemistry Chinese.

I want something new for this Christmas,
not like those old random ones.
Now I don't feel like going UK anymore,
maybe the place, it not for me.


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