So after the dinner on 30th,
I've got an event to attend on 1st May.
JCI Area Peninsular Convention
held @ Cititel Penang.
I've got an event to attend on 1st May.
JCI Area Peninsular Convention
held @ Cititel Penang.
Dad dropped me around 11, brought the trophies along.
I'll explain it all in the pictures.
The first talk after registration, some Forum & Discussion session.
Where schools president gives presentation about projects.
Then directors from JCI gives comments and answers to questions.
The first talk after registration, some Forum & Discussion session.
Where schools president gives presentation about projects.
Then directors from JCI gives comments and answers to questions.

Chien Ming ; Xing You ; Pak Lin ( my sch's president )

Presentation by Jit Sin Independent High School.

Junior Jaycees from different schools.

Kai Deng ( CLHS president ) was asking quest.

Mr.Song Pak Lin (CLB's president) was presenting.

Mr. Loh the co-curiculum advisor from my school.

After the first talk, here comes the second one.
Before I entered, I headed outside for FOODS.
This is where they give talks about how you improve I guess?
Then students give suggestions on how they want it to be.

Sorry, I forgot her name. My bad. I forgot everyone's name!

The LUNCH time was a real FEASTING time for everyone.

Where everyone gathers outside the room, you see huge crowds.
A total of ALMOST 300 students attended.


Everyone was done with their lunch, but well, few of us never had any.
Due to some shortage of FOODS, you know, guys are huge monsters.
So, members of JCI brought 20 of us down to the Restaurant for buffet.
*thanks so much for the lunch*
Some of them had their 2nd round of lunch, mmmhmmm, 17guys3girls.
Both Form 3 guys.

The Form 5's!

Yes, buddies!

Form 3's, they're cute, aren't they? haha

Kah Kheng & me.

I was complaining that he's too tall, so he turned short!

After the lunch, there was another talk going on.
I went in for awhile, spent most of the time outside.
Mr.Song , hot ain't he? ahha

He's VAIN!

Okay, the 4 from CLB too.

When everyone was preparing to go out for games @ Shell Garden.
I didn't headed out, it was so hot, so I chilled in the function room.

Around 5 ish, I rented this so-called haunted motel room,
to bath & prepare for the night, since Cititel was full.
I never took any pics @ that motel, so ewwish.
Super cheap kay, 2 hours for RM40. What you expect?
The Ballroom.
When everyone was seated, they found out seats weren't enough.
Okay, there goes our job to look for seats to make sure everyone's seated.
Thanks to those who gave in, I appreciate much!

The VIPs, Presidents, and so on so on.

Red Carpet Red Carpet!

With star sticker some more, damn chun wei.

Presidents from schools.


JCI Presidents from different states.

When the dinner was going on.

Prize giving ceremony.
* I think he's from Jit Sin, I forgot, sorry*

Best Overall goes to CLHS.

Most Outstanding President Award too!

This was given to every president.

Union High School.

Chung Ling Butterworth.

Director of APC.
Tay Meow Ling.

Don't they just look smart?


Then when the singing competition started, everyone got so HIGH!
They started to move to the front, dancing, throwing the seat cloth,
standing on chairs shaking non stop.


Oh, enjoyed much I guess.

Then, finally, of course, we vained.
Not all of the pictures are with me, so, just a few.
I was very very very tired after walking around arranging seats.
Mr Song the handsome!

The Form 3 guys. LOLS. I felt so OLD!


Mr Ho Kah Kheng, aww so smart.

Mr Chien Ming.

& most importantly, people I got to know thru the event.
It was real nice seeing new people around, esp the very friendly ones.
Thanks for taking my stuffs all the way to the car, then said Hi to my dad.
*you know who you guys are*
I apologize if I acted abit quite reluctant to talk during the start,
until the end, I realized you people were real friendly, and I was shocked!
& to Mr. Jayden, it was very nice to know you,
I acted kinda reluctant to talk since u were a stranger, sorry!
You looked awesomely hot the entire day.
If you see this, do add me up on msn, I lost your card.
I'll see you soon back in KL on your ride!
Thanks for the sweets & chocolate too.
I'll get more pictures then update again.
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